Above: Maxmillion the Dachshund checks out the dandelions at Home for Life®!
In this album are some of our favorites from Photographer Mark Luinenburg's visit to Home for Life® at the end of May when the dandelions were in full bloom; his photos at the sanctuary during dandelion season have become an annual tradition. With so much that doesn't make sense and the world so turbulent, it's reassuring to know that every year, there will be spring sunshine, cheery yellow flowers, and happy animals at Home for Life®.

Where Home for Life® has the ability to help and relieve some anguish, we are going to continue to do exactly that. That helps allay some of OUR angst and anxiety too during these chaotic times knowing it's still in our power to make a difference in a small way. Circumstances may not be within our control but our response always is.

The inclination is to want to burrow and hide. But we will continue to post updates from Home for Life® during these troubling days and weeks, and we hope that the stability and loving care the sanctuary represents will serve as a counter-point to the chaos for those of you who love animals and believe in our work on behalf of the most vulnerable cats and dogs.

Above: Lilly a setter mix from Afghanistan