Above: This little buff girl is Devyn, and she was found as a stray, then further discovered to be positive for FIV+

Above: Charlie in the petunias

Above: one of our feline leukemia cats, Chai, who was found a a desperate stray in Southern Minnesota:

Above: Buddy, a bobtail, is feline leukemia positive and has been at Home for Life® since 2021 when he and his brother Charlie came to us as older kittens from a private rescue.

Above: with her clipped ear Devyn had apparently been part of a TNR program, and it was as a stray that she must have contracted the FIV virus. The mystery is how Devyn contracted the FIV virus as a gentle female cat. The exposure surely occurred when she lived as a stray. Rescues all parrot the concept that FIV+ cats can safely mix with non-affected cats. We disagree, based on our actual experience with seeing the virus spread among cats, even those that don't fight.

Above: Charlie, our other bobtail brother, and also leukemia positive

Above: fe leuk + Chai on the prowl: he always looks like a cat who should be reclining on a satin cushion but in fact, Chai is one of the cats at Home for Life that you will find outside year around!