Above: The Beach Party: all the swimming your dog can handle!
Because we will be having a very busy summer, with the construction of the new building, starting with the installation of the septic systems, we will again be limiting tours to our existing supporters, with priority given to our sponsors. Our tours are generally scheduled in the early afternoon and are escorted by staff: please email us at info@homeforlife.org or call 1-800-252-5918 to schedule a time to visit. We project we will be open for tours through mid-October this year.
We have some fun events planned for this late summer and fall and hope we will see many of you at one or both!
On Sunday, September 10th, Home for Life® will present our First Annual Beach Party at White Bear Lake. The beach is part of the Ramsey County Park system and will be reserved for our event that day. We will have a catered lunch under a big tent, adult beverages, gift bags, music, and all the sun and swimming you and your dog can handle! Reservations will be available on our website July 12th.

On Saturday, October 21, plan to join us for our dog walk, EmBARK at the Park, a dog walk like no other! Home For Life® Animal Sanctuary's first annual dog walk, EmBARK at the Park, Saturday, October 21, will give our supporters the opportunity to enjoy the fall color of the St Croix Valley and beautiful vistas from the Stillwater Lift Bridge and St Croix Crossing Bridge. After a continental breakfast, this one-of-a-kind dog walk will depart from Lowell Park in Stillwater and follow the picturesque St Croix Loop Trail across the historic lift bridge and the St Croix Crossing Bridge before reconvening at the Park for a catered luncheon, music, and program. Reservations and Pledge forms available on August 15th.

Whether for a visit at the sanctuary or at one of our events, we hope to see YOU soon!