Peregrine—Peri for short is age 13 and was abandoned by his owner at Minneapolis Animal Control.
We spend a good part of every week working hard to help many displaced animals land on their feet fielding calls and emails from all over the United States and even from foreign countries every day. Not all of these animals can or should come to our sanctuary: often the dogs and cats can be helped with specialized foods or litters, advice from a compassionate trainer or veterinarian or rehabilitation professional, or referral to another rescue colleague if animals can be adopted.

lthough our focus at Home for Life® is helping animals through providing care for life sanctuary, our work restores people too—the broken-hearted families who can no longer care for their pets and have failed to find help through shelters or rescues—and for those who care about the welfare of animals by giving them hope and restoring faith in the positive and the good, restoring the belief that helping animals needs to be about more than monetizing them, treating them as a consumer good instead of a living being.

In the last couple of months, Home for Life® had the opportunity to help several special animals who had nowhere else to turn and were desperate for a lifeline. Read the stories about Peregrine the senior cat, and Seamus and Barley, two young dogs, whose owners had died. All 3 animals found themselves desperate for help and in need of a home for life which they found at our sanctuary. As we look forward to presenting our upcoming gala, an elegant and festive evening of celebration, we never forget the animals like Peri, Seamus and Barley who are the reason we work so hard on these fundraising events.