2021 was certainly eventful but probably the biggest story of the year was our rescue of seven (7) dogs from Afghanistan in collaboration with Kabul Small Animal Rescue and Mutt Mutt Engine. We had agreed to take 2 dogs, but one thing led to another and by the time the transport was completed deep in the summer of 2021, seven of the most vulnerable of KSAR's dogs found a home for life at our sanctuary, including two of KSAR founder Charlotte Maxwell Jones' personal dogs. We have dedicated our winter mailing to the story of the rescue of these seven dogs, Salty, Roxanne, Ollie, Robbie, Lilly, Kara and Zsazsa.
Left: Ollie (in the blue collar and yellow tag) and Roxanne
Did you know? Home for Life accepted 7 of the dogs evacuated from the Kabul Small Animal Rescue, more than any other rescue throughout the United States. These 7 were the dogs their team was most worried for—the disabled, the overlooked, the abused, ones who would have never survived had they been turned back on the streets. We love these courageous resilient dogs. They are true refugees, coming to a new country to feel safe and start a better life.
Much of KSAR's work involved putting dogs to sleep who had been beaten or shot and were injured beyond repair. Dogs are not pets in Afghanistan. Afghans look at them like rats ... they don't want to touch them, and it's okay to kill them. It's cultural. Virtually no pets. Dogs are for fighting/gambling or are working dogs. The rest are "pests" or belong to Westerners. The KSAR dogs could not leave the compound. They've never been on grass before. Before they came to Home for Life® they just didn't even know that love existed yet. They were satisfied with just safety and peace. They arrived in July and you can tell they have found out what attention and comfort are and what it is to be cherished.

Of course, giving refuge to these seven dogs made a difference for them, but we saw a larger objective achieved by helping them. If a culture where cruelty and indifference towards animals are institutionalized is ever to change that will happen on the margins, with the quiet, maybe anonymous individuals— the American soldier, the American contractor, the Afghan child, who saw a heartbreaking situation and stepped in the way to change that inevitable outcome for the desperate dog at risk. They, not the politicians, the famous, the self-impressed large organizations, and that type, will change the trajectory and ultimately create the sea change to transform the fate of vulnerable animals in countries like Afghanistan.
A donor was so inspired by the potential of this rescue to achieve long-lasting change that she put up a $50,000 matching grant. All gifts made to Home for Life® between now and January 2022 will be matched so your gift will go twice as far and do twice the good. Give today by clicking the Donate button below and see our Winter Appeal attached below with the stories of our seven Afghan dogs.