Home for Life® was so busy this spring and summer, completing several projects and improvements to create a more comfortable and safe facility for our dogs and cats and make daily routine easier for our staff. A big thank you again to everyone who donated to Home for Life® after the devastating fire in February in which one of our townhouses nearly burned to the ground.
Left: new Skylights in all the main buildings bring in so much natural light
We put in turf in all the main townhouses, the back of the main entrance of the dog building and both front porches and in Blanco's run. In addition, because of the disabled and older dogs in "Blanco's" run, we did a cool fencing project along the west side of this run, a "chute" so these dogs can easily get to the larger fenced areas for more space to run and play. We have one on the far south side of the main dog areas as well for these older dogs so they can run up the chute instead of trying to navigate the stairs.

We completed several other fencing projects in addition to the fencing for the new townhouses and Blanco's chute. One project was the installation of sturdy, new fencing along our west border. We had to clear out a lot of forest growth to take down the original fencing and put in the new improved border fence. We also created new fenced areas at the top of the hill for two new townhouses and an enclosure in the back of the cat building to make it so much easier to let the cat-building dogs outside.

As some may remember, it was a heater plug that created the spark and arc at the outlet which ignited the fire in the townhouse which burned practically to the ground last winter. We have new heaters in all our townhouses as seen in the album of photos which have been wired and installed by electricians and which should be more effective at heating the buildings, more cost-efficient, and most importantly, much safer for the dogs.
For more photos, see our Facebook album of all the improvements at Home for Life: https://bit.ly/3mtEIf9