Our prototype facility in Star Prairie, Wisconsin is in its final phase of construction. The planned construction of the Dog Training and Exercise Building are modest projects that will enhance the lives of many of our special needs animals. Home for Life needs to raise $300,000 for the completion of this project.

The Dog Training and Exercise Building will house our population of paraplegic dogs, as well as provide an indoor exercise area where these dogs, and other fragile dogs, can play and run when the weather is inclement (as it often is in the Midwest!).
The building will also house a training arena for younger dogs enrolled in our Renaissance Program. These dogs can go on to become certified therapy dogs who visit nursing homes, hospitals, and battered women's shelters.
The building's plans also include space to provide hydrotherapy for our paraplegic and older dogs.
The 10,000 sq. ft. building will also include:
- An indoor exercise area with tanbark flooring which provides great footing for older arthritic animals
- An expanded grooming area to accommodate the two professional groomers who care for our cats and dogs each week
- Expanded laundry facilities. We currently do wash from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily! We project the Dog Training and Exercise building will cost $300,000.

One hundred and sixty acres lying to the south of Home for Life were once part of the Wisconsin farmland where our sanctuary is located. Home for Life® would like to acquire this land to insulate the sanctuary from development.
Star Prairie, Wisconsin is still very rural. However, the Minnesota side of St. Croix valley has been rapidly developed in recent years and the new bridge is open. As the population in eastern Minnesota continues to grow, the development will inevitably spill over to the Wisconsin side. We want to preserve the serene and natural setting around the sanctuary by buying the property while it is still available and affordable. The cost to purchase the land is $500,000.