In January 2021, we were contacted by Kindred Kitties of Kenosha, Wisconsin--a group that rescues and finds home for cats. They were hoping that Home for Life® could give Trudy and her kittens a safe landing. The little cat family looked healthy and adorable, but they had tested positive for Feline leukemia (FeLV), a viral disease that can spread to other cats through persistent contact and is ultimately fatal. Though infected, cats with FeLV can live years without suffering or showing any symptoms of illness. Trudy and her kittens were currently healthy. But they needed to be kept away from other cats who could catch the disease from them. At the same time, they deserved a good life and a safe home. They had the chance to enjoy many years of good health before becoming actually sick.

Home for Life® has long been known for our care and advocacy on behalf of cats who are positive for leukemia. Quality of life matters even in the face of a virus and the fear it causes. Now we are experiencing this as human beings with Covid. In the animal welfare world, there has been widespread fear and misunderstanding about leukemia that resulted in most cats who tested positive being euthanized based on a screening test. At Home for Life,® we are helping to change that misguided treatment of these cats.
Home for Life's® focus on overlooked individuals has enabled us to spot gaps in the animal welfare system where cats or dogs are underserved and vulnerable, to identify where change needs to happen, and where there is opportunity for widespread improvement.
No other group of animals we help at Home for Life® represents this focus of our organization more than our feline leukemia cats. Read more about Trudy and her family of 6 tiger striped kittens and how Home for Life saved their lives here: Home for Life Animal Sanctuary: Going Viral (

The story of Trudy and her kittens are the focus of our Summer Appeal in your mailbox soon! When you help Trudy and her family of tiger kittens, you do so much more than save the lives of 7 cats. You show what is possible. You change the status quo for vulnerable cats and dogs everywhere. You become an essential part of the lifesaving, life-affirming movement that is Home for Life®!