November 9, 2019: Home for Life's® Fall Gala, The Fancy Feast, with special guest Ashley Judd! The Metropolitan, Minneapolis, MN

In 2019, Saturday November 9, Home for Life® will welcome the A-List actress, conservationist and U.N. representative and humanitarian Ashley Judd as our special guest. Ashley was very interested in being part of the Home for Life® gala as she is such an admirer of Dr.

Finding a Way to Help

Since late November, animal welfare organizations throughout Greater Minnesota have come together to find a way to help 30 cats of the Animal Humane Society's Partner Placement list. Cats who land at one of the four humane society locations are evaluated for placement; some who are experiencing shelter stress or who are very shy are not cats the humane society believes they can support on the adoption floors of their shelters, so they offer these cats to partner rescues to try to find the cats help and therefore avoid euthanizing them.

Above: Sage went to the Heart of Minnesota shelter in Hutchinson in exchange for FIV Spaghetti who came to Home for Life® Sage has already found a home.


Below: Larry finds his forever home thru the Paws and Clawsshelter in Rochester. They helped Larry in exchange for our taking in a Feleuk FIV+ cat named Jeffrey

Coping with the Cold

WHAT a week! Wednesday morning last week at Home for Life®: temperature was -34 degrees! Our overnight staff who lives east of us recorded -41 degrees at her house. This is the air temperature - the wind chill is far worse. With 200 animals at our facility, Home for Life® doesn't have the option to close. We are so grateful to our staff who have braved the arctic cold to come to work and take care of dogs and cats, birds and even Goliath our tortoise.