Real Estate and Investment Properties

Outright gifts or bequests of real property have many advantages, including bypassing capital gains and reducing estate taxes. Gifts of real estate can include a house, apartment building, farm, vacation home, commercial building, or land (either income-producing or non-income-producing). Donors can make outright gifts of real estate now or through their estate, or use the property to fund a charitable remainder trust that provides income to the donor or the donor's children.

Life Insurance Policies

Using a life insurance policy to support home for life can be very cost-effective, especially for younger donors. Donors may apply for a new policy or make a gift of an existing policy that has a cash value.

A new life insurance policy can enable someone with many current family obligations to turn a relatively small contribution into a dramatically larger gift. For older donors, a paid-up life insurance policy that is no longer needed also makes an excellent gift.

Charitable Trusts

Charitable trusts help ensure the future of the animals in Home for Life's care. Receive income for life or transfer property to your children or grandchildren in a tax-advantaged manner.

There are several different types of trusts, each with specific benefits to the donor, to someone the donor designates, or to the charity. At the end of the trust, the remaining assets either go to the charity or revert to the donor's family. The amount of the income stream is either a set amount per year or a percentage of the value of the assets.

Retirement Plans

These can be powerful tools for endowing a charitable legacy to home for life while avoiding heavy estate and income taxes.

Many individuals have accumulated substantial sums in tax-deferred retirement accounts, which include profit-sharing plans, IRAs 401(k)s and 403(b)s. These accounts are popular because the contributions are made with pretax dollars in the assets in the account grow tax-deferred. However, funds withdrawn from these accounts are usually taxed at both high income and estate tax rates.

Charitable Gift Annuities

Balance your individual/retirement needs with your philanthropic interests. The Home for Life chartiable gift annuity can help you strengthen our sanctuary while providing a lifetime income stream for you, you and your spouse jointly, or someone else whom you designate.

There are several "real" benefits you will receive.

Charitable Bequests

Your will is an important element in your estate plan that enables you to protect the people you love, create a lasting partnership with Home for Life®, and help ensure a home forever for unwanted animals. For details about making a charitable bequest see our Charitable Bequests page.